Future of Water

In Partnership with School for Living Futures

Featuring artists:

Lucas Brown, Patrizia Ferreira, James Keul 

Golden Belt Gallery| May 11 - May 28, 2024

About the Exhibition

The Future of Water: a speculative art show, commissioned by The School for Living Futures in partnership with the Durham Art Guild, will feature works by artists Lucas Brown, James Keul, and Patrizia Ferreira, offering their visions and creative answers to the complex and urgent challenges facing our waterways. Speculative art helps us imagine and explore alternative futures that shift our thinking beyond the constraints of the present and allow us to consider new possibilities and approaches.

About School for Living Futures

Founded in 2022 by sisters Sarah Rose Nordgren and Krista Anne Nordgren, The School for Living Futures is an interdisciplinary, experimental organization in Durham, NC dedicated to creating new knowledge and possibility for our climate-changed future. We create and support programming and projects that combine art, climate work, kinship and community, and that bring together the knowledge of artists, healers, scientists, activists, ancestral wisdom holders, scholars, designers, and storytellers. We aim to counteract climate despair, denial, and inaction, and to empower people with the skills and ideas necessary to become changemakers in their own realms and create living futures for people and the planet.

Curated by Lucas Brown, Patrizia Ferreira, James Keul 

Presented by the Durham Art Guild